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career in law

A Career in Law – The Skills You Need

Those working in law can work across a variety of law fields as their professional roles can vary. A variety of hard and soft skills are required: skills specific to the legal profession and transferable ones.  

Commercial Awareness 

Given that legal firms function as businesses, possessing commercial awareness is indispensable. Employees within a law firm are tasked with promoting their services to potential clients. Therefore, staying informed about current developments in local, national, and international business, especially those affecting the firm and its clients, becomes a crucial skill for solicitors. Establishing and nurturing substantial relationships with existing clients is equally vital. Business clients expect their solicitors to comprehend broader social, political, and economic issues that may impact them, enabling the provision of insightful legal advice with a business-oriented perspective. 

Attention to Detail 

Precision is paramount in the legal realm. In law, a single misplaced word can entirely alter the meaning of a contract or divorce agreement. Errors such as spelling mistakes or poorly constructed communications can leave clients with a negative impression, potentially costing the firm business. 

Effective Communication Skills 

Strong oral and written communication skills are fundamental for the effective execution of a solicitor’s duties. Whether presenting a case in court, negotiating settlements, or conveying complex information to clients, the ability to articulate thoughts is essential. Written proficiency is equally critical in drafting legal documents. Grasping technical and legal language and conveying it clearly and concisely is imperative. Additionally, the capacity to listen is vital when working with clients, fostering a thorough understanding of their concerns and building confidence in the solicitor. 


Securing a legal victory is a collaborative effort beyond the individual solicitor. Collaboration with colleagues, partners, and clients is a key skill. Being able to function as part of a team is indispensable in the legal profession, requiring interaction with individuals across all levels of the legal hierarchy. 


Quick decision-making is sometimes imperative, especially when consulting with colleagues is not feasible. While teamwork is essential, displaying initiative and independence becomes crucial in situations where prompt decisions are necessary. 

Information Analysis and Research 

The ability to sift through extensive information, assimilate data, analyse materials, and distill them into comprehensible insights is a foundational skill for any solicitor. 

Organisation and Ability to Work Under Pressure 

Given the multitude of tasks such as researching, drafting documents, managing case files, meeting with clients, and attending court, organizational skills are essential. Solicitors often work under tight deadlines, managing heavy workloads, and the ability to prioritize and remain focused is paramount. 

Creative Problem Solving 

Contrary to some perceptions, creativity is valuable in the legal profession. Solicitors frequently need to think creatively to navigate challenges, outmanoeuvre opposing parties, and achieve positive client outcomes. 


Persistence is a requisite for lawyers, essential for navigating extensive research, copious paperwork, and handling challenging clients. Attention to detail coupled with perseverance contributes to building a robust and compelling legal case. 


In conjunction with communication skills, personal self-confidence is indispensable for solicitors. Convincing clients that they are receiving the best service and, in scenarios involving a jury, establishing the client’s innocence, requires a confident and assured demeanour. 

Interested in law as a career?

We are always looking for people interested in training in a legal career, so if you think you have what it takes, then get in touch.

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